Download all your leetcode solutions

Download all your leetcode solutions


1 min read

Clone this repo, git clone

Run yarn to install all required dependencies.

Run yarn leetcode to start the process, it will ask for your leetcode cookie which is required to fetch your submissions, it can be found in your browser storage.

It will ask for the path to save all your code files, enter the path and press Enter.

Wait for some time as it fetches 20 submissions / second, if rate limit is exceeded it will wait for 10 seconds before trying again, this usually happens because csrf token is expired, you may use new cookie and continue from where it stopped (number of submissions fetched already).


Thank you for your interest in contributing, If you feel like there's something missing or any new feature can be added, just create a PR and I will see the rest.


You can contact me on social media, Everything about me can be found here


  • Node.JS
  • Linux preferably


Contact me anywhere, just visit my portfolio